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@article{ Hope2006,
 title = {Global Capitalism and the Critique of Real Time},
 author = {Hope, Wayne},
 journal = {Time & Society},
 number = {2-3},
 pages = {275-302},
 volume = {15},
 year = {2006},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Digital technologies globally interlink finance, production, consumption, mass                communication, and cyberculture. The processes of interlinkage generate the sense                that time is accelerating towards instantaneity. Promoters and critical observers of                such developments have created a proliferating discourse of ‘real time’. This key phrase and its associated terminology covers a diversity                of referent spaces (e.g. cyberculture, financial flows, supply-chain management,                on-line selling, live media events). In the context of global capitalism, discursive                constructions of ‘real time’ are interrelated with new temporal                constructions of systemic power. The nature of this interrelationship is obscured by                the ideological features of ‘real time’ terminology. Here, this                argument will be developed with references to popular business literature and                (supposedly) critical academic writings. I conclude with a set of preliminary                requirements for an effective critique of ‘real time’.},