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@article{ Brannen2005,
 title = {Time and the Negotiation of Work–Family Boundaries},
 author = {Brannen, Julia},
 journal = {Time & Society},
 number = {1},
 pages = {113-131},
 volume = {14},
 year = {2005},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The article reproblematizes time in relation to the concept of the                ‘extended present’ by drawing upon empirical material from a                methodological study of work–family boundaries, the article examines the                effects of workplace change in a call centre on employees’ negotiation of                these boundaries. Through detailed analysis of one of the cases discussed it shows                how a female employee and her partner blur the boundaries between work and family                life and how the woman concerned felt that she exercised control over time but also                felt driven by it. The article sheds insight into the conditions that generate                feelings of autonomy and its illusory nature. KEY WORDS • care •                organizational change • time • work–family boundaries},