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@book{ Milosinski1998,
 title = {Some domestic and international factors shaping Polish responses to transmigration and 'immigration', 1989-1997},
 author = {Milosinski, Cezary},
 year = {1998},
 series = {Reihe Soziologie / Institut für Höhere Studien, Abt. Soziologie},
 pages = {17},
 volume = {29},
 address = {Wien},
 publisher = {Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS), Wien},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {'Aufgrund der durch das politische Regime gesetzten Grenzen bedurfte es in Polen vor 1989 keiner ausgefeilten Immigrationspolitik. Inzwischen haben Millionen von Ausländern polnisches Gebiet betreten und überschritten und dadurch Polen in die globalen und insbesondere europäischen Migrationsbewegungen integriert. Dieser Beitrag untersucht die Entwicklung der polnischen post-kommunistischen Immigrations- und Transmigrationspolitik. Er zielt auf die Erläuterung der internationalen und nationalen Zwänge, die die verantwortlichen polnischen Autoritäten bei ihrer Immigrationspolitik zu berücksichtigen hatten. Es wird auch argumentiert, daß die polnische Antwort auf die Immigration nur vor dem Hintergrund der Besonderheiten der polnischen populär-politischen Kultur sowie der Kultur der einheimischen Eliten verstanden werden kann.' (Autorenreferat)'Before 1989, regime-imposed limitations of movement throughout eastern Europe meant that Poland had no need for a sophisticated immigration policy. Subsequently millions of foreigners have been entering and passing through Polish territory, making Poland an integral part of world, and particularly European population movements. This paper explores the development of Polish post-communist policy towards immigration and transmigration. Immigration and transmigration in post-communist Poland are issues that have played important rotes in Polish foreign policy and are 'growth issues' in terms of complications for Polish society and government. Until recently these subjects have received very little attention in the media and academic literature. This paper narrates Polish developments in Immigration policy and analyses the international and domestic pressures - including public and elite opinion - which influenced Polish responses to a new social phenomenon. The purpose of the paper is to explain international and domestic Pressures that were considered by the Polish authorities in choosing their response to immigration. The paper also argues that only by analysing the subjectivities of Polish popular political culture and Polish elite culture, including their perception of the state of the international situation in an ever globalising Europe/ world, can Polish responses to immigration be understood.' (author's abstract)|},
 keywords = {post-socialist country; politische Kultur; alien policy; Polen; Elite; Migration; Ausländerpolitik; soziale Integration; social integration; elite; postkommunistische Gesellschaft; post-communist society; political culture; ethnic relations; Poland; migration; postsozialistisches Land; Einwanderung; immigration; ethnische Beziehungen}}