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@article{ Noll1991,
 title = {Abnehmende Ungleichheit bei zunehmender Zentralisierung: Trends sozialen Wandels in den USA},
 author = {Noll, Heinz-Herbert},
 journal = {Informationsdienst Soziale Indikatoren},
 number = {6},
 pages = {14-16},
 year = {1991},
 issn = {2199-9082},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Buchbesprechung zu: 1) Theodore Caplow: American Social Trends. San Diego et al.: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publ. 1991. ISBN 0-15-502588-0. 2) Theodore Caplow, Howard M. Bahr, John Modell, Bruce A. Chadwick: Recent Social Trends in the United States 1960-1990. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus Verl.; Montreal et al.: McGill-Queen's Univ. Press 1991. ISBN 3-593-34403-3; 0-7735-0872-4.},
 keywords = {USA; sozialer Wandel; Trend; social change; trend; Ungleichheit; inequality; United States of America}}