Bibtex export


@incollection{ Beez2003,
 title = {The appropriation of rice at Mt. Kilimanjaro: a Japanese development project and its consequences},
 author = {Beez, Jigal},
 editor = {Probst, Peter and Spittler, Gerd},
 year = {2003},
 booktitle = {Between resistance and expansion: dimensions of local vitality in Africa},
 pages = {193-209},
 address = {Münster},
 publisher = {Lit Verl.},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {Ostafrika; agricultural production; project; Projekt; Tanzania; Agrarproduktion; Japan; East Africa; Globalisierung; Entwicklungshilfe; globalization; development aid; Tansania; cooperative; Japan; Genossenschaft; Technologie; irrigation; Bewässerung; technology}}