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@article{ Berry2010,
 title = {Dissatisfaction with democracy: evidence from the Latinobarómetro 2005},
 author = {Berry, Brian J. L. and Rodriguez, Osvaldo S. Tello},
 journal = {Journal of Politics in Latin America},
 number = {3},
 pages = {129-142},
 volume = {2},
 year = {2010},
 issn = {1868-4890},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Data for 17 Latin American countries collected by Latinobarómetro 2005 reveal that dissatisfaction with democracy is a sign of progress. Political stability and increased governmental effectiveness enable the better-educated leftish young to express their feelings without fear of repression and violence, which is particularly notable in countries least connected into the global economy, where inequality remains high. Dissatisfaction is thus an indicator of political modernization running ahead of progress in the economic sphere.Datos de 17 países Latinoamericanos recolectados por Latinobarómetro 2005 revelan que la insatisfacción con la democracia es un signo de progreso. La  estabilidad política y la mejor efectividad gubernamental permite a los jovenes de izquierda mejor educados a expresar sus sentimientos sin el temor de represión y violencia, que es particularmente notable en países que están menos conectados en la economía global, donde la desigualdad permanece alta. La insatisfacción es por tanto un indicador de la modernización política que va adelante del progreso en la esfera económica.},
 keywords = {Effizienz; modernization; efficiency; Latin America; satisfaction; repression; Demokratie; government policy; Zufriedenheit; politische Einstellung; anxiety; politische Meinung; Regierungspolitik; political attitude; political development; politische Stabilität; political opinion; attitude; politische Entwicklung; Repression; political stability; democracy; Entwicklungsland; Angst; Modernisierung; developing country; Einstellung; Lateinamerika}}