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@book{ Ibanez2010,
 title = {Fertility, female participation in employment and reconciliation policies in Spain},
 author = {Ibanez, Marta},
 year = {2010},
 series = {Working Papers on the Reconciliation of Work and Welfare in Europe},
 pages = {53},
 volume = {REC-WP 13/2010},
 address = {Edinburgh},
 publisher = {University of Edinburgh, Publication and Dissemination Centre (PUDISCwowe)},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Different aspects of decisions regarding parenthood are analysed. From an institutional perspective, reconciliation policies and features of the female labour market are studied, as well as the values and life views that may affect the decision to become a parent. From a micro-perspective, a multivariate model of proportional hazards is created from the 2004-2007 Spanish EU-SILC, where likelihood of pregnancy is analysed according to specific employment, personal, and family situations. Results are not conclusive, because the Hypothesis of Fertility Positive Turn was not confirmed directly for cases with a steadier work status. However, educational level does have a continuous effect, that is, women with university degrees, and especially employed ones, are more likely to become parents.},
 keywords = {women's employment; birth trend; Erwerbsbeteiligung; Familienpolitik; Entscheidung; Frau; decision; Familie-Beruf; Spanien; work-family balance; Elternschaft; woman; Geburtenentwicklung; labor force participation; Spain; family policy; parenthood; Frauenerwerbstätigkeit}}