Bibtex export


@incollection{ Helle1981,
 title = {Auf dem Weg zur matrilinearen Gesellschaft?},
 author = {Helle, Horst Jürgen},
 editor = {Matthes, Joachim},
 year = {1981},
 booktitle = {Lebenswelt und soziale Probleme: Verhandlungen des 20. Deutschen Soziologentages zu Bremen 1980},
 pages = {429-440},
 address = {Frankfurt am Main},
 publisher = {Campus Verl.},
 isbn = {3-593-32695-7},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {Bundesrepublik Deutschland; matriarchy; Familienpolitik; Wertorientierung; Gesellschaft; Frau; Prognosemodell; sociology of the family; gender role; society; value-orientation; historical analysis; Federal Republic of Germany; culture; Geschlechtsrolle; Europa; Federal Government Report on the Family; Matriarchat; predictive model; Familienforschung; family policy; Verwandtschaft; kinship; Ehe; historische Analyse; marriage; Europe; Familie; family research; Familienbericht; typology; woman; sozialer Wandel; family; Familiensoziologie; Kultur; Typologie; social change}}