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@article{ Hilson2009,
 title = {Are alternative livelihood projects alleviating poverty in mining communities? Experiences from Ghana},
 author = {Hilson, Gavin and Banchirigah, Sadia Mohammed},
 journal = {Journal of Development Studies},
 number = {2},
 pages = {172-196},
 volume = {45},
 year = {2009},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This paper critiques the approach being taken in Ghana to identify and develop Alternative Livelihood (AL) and allied Local Economic Development (LED) projects in mining communities.  The rapid insurgence of illegal artisanal gold mining in Ghana has forced policymakers to think more creatively about ways in which to deal with mounting unemployment in the country's rural areas.  Most of the economic activities being promoted, however, have proved extremely unpopular with target groups.  The policy approaches adopted reflect how little in tune the organizations championing AL policy in Ghana’s mining communities are with the mindsets and ambitions of target populations.},