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@book{ Pokol2004,
 title = {Szociológiaelmélet: Társadalomtudományi trilógia I.},
 author = {Pokol, Béla},
 year = {2004},
 pages = {353},
 address = {Budapest},
 isbn = {963-7340-02-5},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The main contemporary sociological theories are outlined (Parsons, Luhmann, Habermas, Bourdieu, Boudon, Foucault etc.). The author shows the possibility of a synthesis of the functional system theory and the Neogramscian theory. In this way Niklas Luhmann and Kees van der Pijl become parts of a comprehensive theory of society named as the theory of double structures of society.},
 keywords = {Gesellschaftstheorie; Bourdieu, P.; Luhmann, N.; soziologische Theorie; Habermas, J.; Luhmann, N.; system theory; Gramsci, A.; Parsons, T.; Systemtheorie; Gramsci, A.; Parsons, T.; Foucault, M.; sociological theory; Bourdieu, P.; Foucault, M.; Habermas, J.; theory of society}}